SL Hansen Copy/Edit


Every time I sit down to concept a television spot, my first concern is coming
up with a premise that will make people choose to watch the commercial 
instead of reaching for the remote. TV has to be equally entertaining and 

Hodgdon Powders 'Triple Seven Magnums' Launch TV

Since this spot aired exclusively on cable hunting shows -- which involves a lot of footage of people outdoors, wearing camo and whispering -- we wanted a spot that would practically jump out of the screen and grab our target audiences by the throat. Our idea of putting a tough-talking East Coast comedian (Wayne Previdi) in a deer suit earned a ton of positive feedback from hunters, plus a bronze Telly Award. Directed by Art Haynie. Produced by Robert Sexton. Edited by Alycia Daniels & Adam Svatek at FilmCore.

Hodgdon Poweders 'Triple Seven Magnums' Phase Two

We only had one day to shoot, but we got several versions out of it. Here's a second version, which is closer to the original concept. This one stars Jesse Hughes, frontman for Eagles of Death Metal. Directed by Art Haynie. Produced by Robert Sexton. Edited by Alycia Daniels & Adam Svatek at FilmCore.


NC+ Hybrids "Stand Your Ground" Campaign

Farmers are independent, and NC+ Hybrids -- a seed company owned and operated by farmers -- was just as independent. While other small seed companies were being bought out by the bigger corporations, NC+ wanted farmers to know that they could still do business with a company that understood them, their goals, and their needs. Art Director Darren Brickel was my partner in these concepts and production. The footage was shot by David Radler, and the music was composed, performed and produced by Lower Lights Music. 


I love the challenges of radio. Not only are you limited on time, you've got to deal with the "zap factor." You have to admit, most people aren't listening for commercials. My goal is to deliver the client's message before the audience realizes they are listening to an ad.

Prairie Life Fitness Center

My main goal with this spot was to make the name of the fitness center as memorable as possible. 

U-Stop "Donut" Spot with Jingle

U-Stop is a chain of convenience stores. When they ran a summer campaign featuring a weekly special, I wrote them this "old school" jingle so we could simply drop in the special of the week and economize on production costs. They're still running the jingle 20 years later. 

Becker Underwood 'Vault' Launch Radio

Vault was not only a new product -- it was an entirely new concept in seed treatment. It was important to give farmers and seed dealers legitimate reasons to learn more. 

"Giant Leap"

 Becker Underwood 'Vault' - Phase Two

After a successful product launch, Vault still needed plenty of air time to continue to educate customers.

"Straight Answer"

Mercy Iowa City

Mercy Iowa City launched a new web site to assist people in finding just the right physicians. Lively, memorable radio was part of the campaign.

"Who Remembers?"


Cornerstone Bank On-Line Banking

Cornerstone Bank wanted more people to try their convenient on-line banking services. We used radio to explain how easy it is.



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